Tuesday 28 February 2012

Comparing the Cover

This magazine has similar traits to the magazine I created because there is more that one person in the picture, and the name of the artists is across the main picture, this allows me to compare the magazine easily show there similarity and differences.

Both magazines banners across the top show whats in the magazine or what events are coming up. This then allows space for other text on the cover, so the title can be seen easily. The colours in my magazine is little dark so I will have to change the contract so it is brighter. 

Friday 24 February 2012

comparing contents pages

This is a a contents page that I have taken from the magazine "Vibe", it shows the features that are it the magazine and allows the reader to see the main artist. I have taken the idea of the way that the title is set out, by having it not in a straight line but having it offset. I liked this idea because it makes the contents page standout and all the text can be read. I have also used the layout of this magazine contents page so there is enough space for the people in the picture and the text. 

I have come up with my own idea, for the way that the feature is set out. I have used the shapes tool on Photoshop so I can get all the numbers in the boxes, which allows the page numbers to standout so it is clear what is on the pages. 

  • The background of the picture is a little dark so I can use Photoshop to change this.
  • The colours of the title needs to be changed because it is a little dark.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Idea for the contents page of my magazine

This is also another idea for the contents page, I have changed the colours around so they match the rest of the magazine. I have once again tried a different font style to see if this works as well or better than the other font. For the title I tried out the font "Postinkantaja Job", this then matched the double page spread draft title and contents title, linking the pages together with a rolling theme.

I decided that the layout of the content page was well designed with the space being well used leaving only a little blank space, so didn't change much about it.. I only moved the number 40 because it didnt work well with the background once I had changed the colour. This allowed the same to be used in a different way so both people in the picture could be seen.

The colour scheme was changed as well because it improves the flow of the pages through the magazine and the colours can be recognised for the same magazine. This then brings together both the  contents page and double page spread.

All of the text can be read clearly with it being white against the black and grey background.  I like that the coloured strips and text colours go well, because it allows the contents page to be read easily and clearly. 

I have to change some of the contents page features so they match my double page spread. I have now come up with a name for the artist what with feature on the double page spread, it is "Ree-mo" he will be a artist like "Gotye" and from France, so the name is more relevant. The name is a made up word but flows well and can be taken for a real artist.

Saturday 18 February 2012

first idea for my magazine contents page

This is a idea for the finished product of my magazine contents page, it shows the artists that are in the magazine and the features that are in the magazine. This is a picture that I have taken using two members of my year which most represented the indie magazine type that I am going for. This picture allowed me the easily add the features and text that I wanted to, it allows me to add the title in the way that I want it, so it looks different and individual. 

I have edited the image so and t-shirt and shoes of the two people are the only colours, so they standout and they are clearly the main subjects. Also by having the background black and white it allows the text to be seen and can be red easily.

The reader can see that this contents page is for a music magazine by the speaker at the bottom of the page and the features that are on the contents page are to do with music. 

Things that can be changed and improved 
  1. The colours on the contents page need to match the other pages
  2. The text and font needs to be the same as the other pages
  3. Fill some blank space with text or images

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Contents Page Draft Idea

This is my first idea for a contents page for my magazine, I have used a picture of "Gotye" to represent the person in my magazine. I have edited the background image so his shirt is the only object in colour, this then allows all the other text on the page to standout. Also I have looked at heading from other magazines and seen that some have then in different ways, so I have designed the heading around those. 
The text stands out when there is a black background colour and white text, I think this works well because it allows the reader to see the features on each page and make sure that they are clear. Also by having them on a slant it fills the page and makes it look more professional. 
The page number at the bottom allows the reader to see that the magazine is not 9 page long but it a lot bigger and there is over 39 page which would encourage them to buy it.

I have to make sure that all the text is the same throughout the magazine so they all look like they are from the same magazine. Also I have to make sure that there is enough on the page and there is no white space.  

Thursday 9 February 2012

Cover Idea for my Music Magazine

This is my first idea for the magazine cover, I have chosen to added a picture of a band I found on the Internet to represent the image that I will have taken for the cover. I might only put one person in the picture so then there is more space for the text and other separate images. I took some time to think of the title, I looked at other magazines for inspiration and saw that getting a platinum album was very good. I then decided to look up what platinum is on the periodic table, which lead me to decide the name of "Pt: Platinum".

I look at lots of different magazines when creating the cover, and took little areas for each to see if they look good on this magazine. I looked on website like www.nme.com and  http://www.timeout.com/london/feature/2093/the-best-new-acts-to-watch-out-for-in-2012 to find some new artist that are up and coming in 2012. This allowed me to then find information on them and images to use.

After looking at the images of "Deas Vail" I decided on this picture because most of the members are in the picture and there clothing shows off the type of music they create and play. I have edit out one of the band member so there was more space for the text. Also it was quite difficult to find areas to put the text, so it looked professional. But in the end I think the layout was good and the fonts and text size works well. When editing the main image I made lots of changes to see if the picture looked good, at first I made the image look colder so the artists looked in the dark and not well known, but I decided to put a warm colour filter over them so they look inviting and people would be more encouraged to buy there music and the magazine.

Image not edited and the image made to look dark and cold with a cooling filter over it.

I added the smaller image to the cover so there was another attraction for views. I edited in a boarder around the image so then it looked separate and didn't blend into the background, so it made it standout.

I used Photoshop to create this cover which was very useful because it allowed be to edit the picture easily and I could make changes simply.

Improvement that can be made 
  • Add outlines to some of the text to make in clearer 
  • Make the text the same as the other contents page and double page spread
  • Make sure all the text is clear (not blurring some letters into the background)